The purpose of acupuncture is to balance the flow of Qi energy. This allows the body to heal itself and return to optimal function. The theory has evolved over thousands of years and is safe and highly effective.
A holistic approach is used in acupuncture, meaning it treats any individual problem by treating the whole body at the same time.
According to the World Health Organization the following ailments and conditions generally respond well to acupuncture:
Acne, Acute muscle strains, Acute joint sprains, Acute & chronic neck & back pain, Asthma, Depression, Headache, Irregular menstruation, Painful menstruation, Constipation & diarrhea, Indigestion, Impotence, Post-stroke paralysis, Addictions - overeating, smoking & drug dependence. This is just a small sample of the different conditions that acupuncture can treat
First Treatment:
The first treatment is approximately two hours long and usually consists of a one-hour interview followed by a physical exam and treatment.
Each follow-up treatment lasts about an hour. Expect to have a treatment once a week for about six to eight weeks. This provides the best opportunity to see how you are responding to your treatment and to come up with a plan of where to go next.
As your health situation improves, you will receive less frequent treatments, starting with every two weeks,
then three weeks and for some patients,
it could be as little as once a season.
I discovered Alan Scopp about 6 months ago. I didn't have any particular ailments but just wanted to see if my overall sense of well-being improved. I went once a week for a while and then every couple of weeks. Every time I leave there I do feel calmer, grounded and have an easier time dealing with whatever comes my way. Alan has an amazing bedside manner as well. He truly cares and asks many questions about your life to be able to get a sense of what you need. It's like a therapy session and acupuncture in one. He rocks! - Cindy S. MarinIf
Alan treats my son for acupuncture and I have seen tremendous results since we started only a couple of months ago. Alan is so kind and thoughtful. He really takes time with my son and my son really enjoys when he gets to see Alan. Alan is a Classical Five Element Acupuncturist which is really different from Traditional Chinese Medicine. I find it to be much more effective and comprehensive. Alan is just really great! - Donna P. San Francisco
Alan has helped me out on numerous occasions. He has helped me not only with physical complaints but also in other areas. Sometimes when I just feel "run down" or even emotionally "stuck" Alan has helped me re-energize and I walk out of his office with a fresh perspective. I am an acupuncture student at ACTCM in San Francisco and I meet a lot of acupuncturists and I think Alan is one of the best. - Jonah L. San Francisco
I had been struggling with numbness and pain in my hands (carpal tunnel syndrome) for the last two years and had been to several doctors, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and a neurologist. After two sessions with Alan my symptoms subsided immediately by 80%. In addition I feel much less irritable and anxious after his treatments...Truly great results and Alan is a super sweet guy. Two thumbs up! Highly recommended. - Adam M. San Francisco
Working long hours in a high stress corporate job, as well as the pressures of being a dad and husband, Alan has been a godsend. Since I've been seeing Alan over more than 6 years, I have been healthy and can't remember when I last caught a cold. He provides a whole body, mind, and spirit treatment that leaves me feeling refreshed, calm and energized. -Michael M Forest Knolls
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